中英对照讲解 免费高清高解析耳朵测听软件
旧的说明有点太散了:麦文学:老烧见了就躲的耳朵听力曲线测试软件 — 写给全国爱耳日zhuanlan.zhihu.com

补充一个下载点: x86 cpu 绿色直接运行版 (无密码)
Additional Download (non password protected)
免费测耳朵听力?Free hearing test? Free audiometric threshold testing? Free audiogram? Yes, yes, yes !
Hi-RES pure-tone audiometric hearing threshold testing audiogram – FREE
免费的耳朵测听软件 pure-tone audiometric hearing threshold testing audiogram

Note: 1dB per step

Note: 1dB per step
点频率标签就可以激活测试频率, 用垂直滑竿测试相应的频点。 步进为 1 dB.

Note: 1dB per step

Note: 1dB per step

点频率标签就可以激活测试频率, 用垂直滑竿测试相应的频点。 步进为 1 dB.

Note: 1dB per step

Note: 1dB per step

Note: 1dB per step

Additional Download (non password protected)
补充一个下载点: x86 cpu 绿色直接运行版 (无密码)
供读者免费使用, 欢迎传播。

Note: 1dB per step

pure-tone audiometric hearing threshold testing audiogram
Thank you for downloading and helping people that are suffering hearing lost.
You might need to install the Micrpsoft dot net framework
您也许需要安装微软的 dot net framework
OLD SCHOOL X86 version:
x86 cpu 绿色直接运行版:
portablex86.rar (15.75 KB, 下载次数: 1039)
Setup_FR01_BugFixed.rar (180.65 KB, 下载次数: 1007)
FR01_portable_BugFixed.rar (16.86 KB, 下载次数: 1576)
32bit 小巧的粉红噪音发生器软件 KOF PINK NOISE GENERATOR
pure-tone audiometric hearing threshold testing audiogram
This is the free software to test your hearing. And it’s free, no frills, free.
Before you see an ENT doctor or Audiologist why not check it out first? What are you waiting for ?
It is free.
pure-tone audiometric hearing threshold testing audiogram
Portable and green version:
FR01_portable_BugFixed_FreeUse.rar (17 K)
pure-tone audiometric hearing threshold testing audiogram
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在125–8000HZ的频率范围内, 一般都会象上面的图, 但会有个体差异
测完了以后, 也可以是这样的。

您整个系统, 从音源到脑子, 整个链条的频率反应就是这条曲线。
(Photoshop 翻转 180 度啊)

您整个系统, 从音源到脑子, 整个链条的频率反应就是这条曲线。
KEYWORDS: 听力,电子测听,先天性聋, 噪音性聋,气导听力,单频,听阈, 噪音, 粉红噪音, 1/F噪, 白噪音, 睡眠,可靠性,频谱分析, RTA,测试,噪音水平,声压,校准,测谎,心理测量,法医物证,心理声学,听觉重建,耳蜗,种植,真耳分析,pink noise, white noise, f^-1 noise, sleep, insomnia, stress relief, EEG, run-in, torture test, RTA tests, Sound Level, C Weighted, A Weighted, Noise Level, meter, calibration, REM, pure-tone, audiometric, audiogram, hearing threshold, testing