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Why Stinky Fart Makes Headphones Sound Far Better?

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吃饱了回来, 老乡放了一个没有声音的臭屁。
俺在听着耳机呢, 没想到不期而遇的臭屁让平时听惯了的音乐更通透, 三频更均衡了, 声场大了一圈, 感觉更宽松了。
于是, 俺摘下耳机问:
“瘦子, 你是不是放了个大臭屁? ”
俺接着问, “你说说, 为什么屁会让耳机的音质突然变好?”
瘦子沉吟半晌, 说:
你知道吗? 屁里面除了甲烷, 还有超导体。”
“屁里面还有超导体? 你别欺负俺没读过书啊。你说话有没有科学根据呢?”
“硫化氢是无机化合物,化学式为H2S。正常是无色、易燃的酸性气体,浓度低时带恶臭,气味如臭蛋;浓度高时反而没有气味(因为高浓度的硫化氢可以麻痹嗅觉神经)。2015年,物理学者发现,硫化氢在温度203K 极度高压的环境下发生超导相变,是目前已知最高温度的超导体。”
Cartlidge, Edwin. Superconductivity record sparks wave of follow-up physics. Nature News. 18 August 2015 [18 August 2015].

Hack a day: Why Stinky Fart Can Make Your Headphones Sound Much More Awesome than Changing Power Chords
Author: BirdyBird
After we came back to our dorm from the McD,
my old time buddy Sean cut the cheese in a stealthy fashion.
I was listening to my Hi-end headphones.
The unexpected odour of fart suddenly made my listening experience superb.
The bass, the mid and the treble became drop dead balanced and a lot more music details were unveiled.
Tremendous amount of timbres gushed to my eardrums.
This is true music, I think.
This is unpresidented!!!
I took off my headphones and asked Sean,
“Hi bro, did you just let out a big fat stinky fart?”
my old time buddy blushed and nodded silently as a shy acknowledgment.
I kept going and asked,
“Tell me why your stinky fart makes my headphones sound awesome, please?”
Sean did not answer before a long break,
“Speaking of the fart, there are some state secrets involved and I am not sure if
I am at liberty to disclose. You know, besides methane, there is some superconductor in my fart.”
I almost jumped up in joy,
“Superconductor in your fart? Never heard of it! Is it even scientific?”
Sean replied with a poker face,
“Hydrogen sulfide is the chemical compound with the formula H2S.
It is a colorless gas with the characteristic odor of rotten eggs.
It is very poisonous, corrosive, and flammable.Being heavier than air,
it tends to accumulate at the bottom of poorly ventilated spaces.
Although very pungent at first, it quickly deadens the sense of smell,
so victims may be unaware of its presence until it is too late.
At pressures above 90 GPa (gigapascal), hydrogen sulfide becomes a
metallic conductor of electricity. When cooled below a critical temperature
this high-pressure phase exhibits superconductivity.
The critical temperature increases with pressure, ranging from
23 K at 100 GPa to 150 K at 200 GPa.
And it is the superconductor known to human with the highest critical temperature as of now.”
Cartlidge, Edwin. Superconductivity record sparks wave of follow-up physics. Nature News. 18 August 2015 [18 August 2015].
Superconductivity record sparks wave of follow-up physics
superconductor, superconductivity, audiophile, headphone, Hi-Fi, scientific, science, hack, fart, Hydrogen sulfide, H2S

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那您凭什么不相信放屁可以改变耳机的音质呢?麦文学:(超导体)耳机发烧:为啥放屁会让耳机的音质突然变好?Why Stinky Fart Make Headphones Sounds Far Better?zhuanlan.zhihu.com
